1. What made you decide to become a nurse assistant?
I decided to become a nurse assistant/caregiver many years ago while working as a waitress. During this work, I noticed how much I really enjoyed connecting with seniors! I enjoy helping people!
2. What does professionalism mean to you?
Professionalism means following my acquired skills and training as a caregiver, not taking shortcuts, and giving 100%.
3. What does preparation mean to you in regards to your workday?
Preparation begins the night before work so that you can be on time. During the workday, it means to keep the client’s safety and needs in mind at all times.
4. What does framework mean to you in the caregiver arena?
Framework means following the guidelines and rules of TLC as a whole. To be supportive and consistent, and follow care plans.
Purpose: The purpose of this is to ensure a team approach for clients, to keep them safe
5. How are you meeting the needs of others as a nurse assistant?
I meet the needs of others by following a care plan, being a good listener, and being compassionate and kind.
6. Professionalism: How do you take responsibility for yourself?
Attitude: Having a positive, cheerful attitude, keeping my problems away from my workday.
Mood: Being in a pleasant mood is very important
Motivation: I always begin my day by reading something positive, or by doing a little meditation
Job knowledge: I try to always be willing to learn and grow
Compassion: Having compassion is like putting yourself in someone’s shoes, we all need compassion!
7. Preparation: How do you reduce risk to yourself and your client?
To reduce risk to myself and the client, I prepare an area for the activity – such as getting a bathroom ready for a shower. I also use proper body mechanics.
8. What does proper attire mean to you?
Proper attire means being neat and clean, not wearing jewelry and perfumes. I would never wear revealing clothing to work.
9. What does proper mobility mean to you?
It is important to use the client’s guidelines/care plan. For example, if they are supposed to use a walker, I would encourage it at all times. It’s also important to keep your own body mechanics in mind, having knowledge of transfers.
10. What precautions do you take?
Frequent handwashing, make sure the food is served properly, hot food is hot, cold food is cold.
11. What observations do you make when working?
I observe a person’s mood and overall well-being. I observe the environment and look for any changes in the client – mood, behavior, appetite.
12. What does self-control mean to you?
Self-control means maintaining a professional attitude. If you are frustrated, it’s important to take a deep breath and not make things worse by getting upset. Being very patient.
13. What does it mean to follow a care plan?
Following a care plan is crucial. Each time you visit a client you should review notes in case something has changed.
14. What is proper communication?
Proper communication means using active listening, making eye contact, and noticing body language. It also means working as a team and communicating with TLC office.
15. How do you maintain a proper environment?
You maintain a proper environment by keeping safety in mind. There should be no obvious obstacles in the way. Keep the house neat, clean, and sanitary.
16. How do you maintain meeting the basic needs of your client?
You meet the basic needs of your client by following a care plan, being a good listener. You help them to maintain proper hygiene, diet, medication reminders if needed.
17. What does patience mean to you in the framework of caregiving?
Patience means understanding that folks may be angry or frustrated by something and not taking it personally. You can maintain good patience by how you react to a situation.
18. How do you handle the unexpected?
When something unexpected happens it’s important to remember to try and remain calm, ready to take the necessary steps.
19. What does proper documentation look like?
Proper documentation means not adding unnecessary information. Being as precise as possible.
20. How do you review and improve?
At the end of each day ask yourself how you could improve. I am always willing to learn from my mistakes and learn new skills or new ways of doing something.