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Why is Personal Home Care so Important? For Nurses and Families

In Home Care Services

Most family members have a hard time when their loved one is medically ill, having mobility issues, or having memory issues and can’t do much to help or don’t think to seek help from home care agencies. A lot of them seem to try to take care of their loved ones on their own until they realize that there is only so much that they can do. In the end, the elderly adult ends with the short end of the stick and ends up in a long-term facility; bored, and alone.

Personal home care is changing the medical industry today. This isn’t a new concept, but people realize more every day that personal home care is affordable, more personable, and necessary for elders than not. Also, depending on the elder’s needs, there are ways to get different certified nurses to help.

Having someone at home to help elders is better for the elder and better for the family and the nurse trying to assist. Nurses go into this business, most of the time to help people. And there is no other better way to help others than in their own homes, comfortable and well adjusted. Here are a few reasons why personal home care is so critical.

Flexible Schedules

For nurses, having a flexible schedule is very hard to come by; most hospitals require staff for long hours, and usually more than the average five days a week work schedule, but the pay is good, great even if you have been there for a while. But, home healthcare can pay you a significant amount, and you can have your life back.

Most of the time, home healthcare aides have a set schedule, know what they are walking into most days, and get to focus on one patient at a time. While in a hospital, things change every day; new patients are added to rooms, most nurses have multiple patients on a shift. It is not an easy task. This can cause burnout, which most hospitals try to avoid.

But as a home health aide, CNA, or even an RN, working within the home, things are a lot more laid back, calm, and you can focus more on patient care than charts, notifying personnel on the patients status and inventory.  It is more of being a companion rather than a nurse.

Environment Benefits

When an elder is in an unknown location, they can feel stressed, lost, and alone. So, facilities like nursing homes, long-term care facilities, or short-term care facilities can be detrimental to an elder’s mental health.

When elders are within their environment and comfortable around their belongings, they have a much better outlook on life and feel independent, rather than relying on nursing home workers. Yes, they are still relying on a at-home nurse, but they have more freedom to do as they please, with the amount of help they think they require.

Nursing homes can be challenging for elders who suffer from memory loss ailments, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. When they are not in comfortable surroundings, they are expected to lash out more. When taken care of at home, even if they do not know the people around them, they most likely still know their surroundings. It can make them feel more at ease, rather than the stress healthcare providers caused.

Different Types of Certifications

Working within a home, it doesn’t matter what your education in nursing is; as long as you have a certificate to be either a CNA, LPN or an RN, you can be hired with an agency to work in homes. Most people who have these certifications think that working in a hospital or a nursing home is all they can do. False! They can work one on one with patients within the comfort of the house, making the patient feel at ease, doing daily tasks with them, such as bathing and other hygiene, and they get to talk to them and hear stories of these patients’ lives. It is way better than racing from room to room caring for multiple patients not making a connection.

Also, if you are a nurse looking for a change, try working for a home care agency; it can change your outlook on medical care, give you more freedom in your personal life, and spend more time with people you love.


Personal home care is supercritical not only to the elders who require it but their families and the nurses who go to work every day to care for these patients in their homes. It is a way of earning money without the stress and the weight of hospital expectations on your back. If you are interested in learning more but don’t know what agency to start with, try TLC Home Care. They are a great place to work with their knowledgeable staff, their significant assignments, and the skills they can teach you that you can use forever in the field. Check them out.