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With Home Care Expanding, Let’s Make it Safe for Everyone

In Home Health Services

With the rise in Home Health Care and a pandemic on our hands, we need to keep it safe for everyone. Many families are not comfortable sending their loved ones to a nursing home facility anymore; with the horrible way nursing homes have been handled with the pandemic, people are not so sure if they are safe anymore.are

As Home Care becomes the significant way to care for families’ loved ones, people are requesting nurses left and right to begin care within the home. But it is still unsafe for people to gather and spend time with each other. Still, there is a job that needs to be done. Here are a few ways to keep it safe while within the home of an elderly client.

Home Health Care on the Rise

Families are unsure about putting their elderly loved ones inside a nursing home facility. First off, they have become more expensive over the last few years. Second, because of the pandemic, a lot of nursing homes are not taking new patients. Adding to the fire will only make it spread. So, a lot of families have turned to home care to care for their loved ones.

Because of the rise, there is a nursing shortage across the country; between the hospitals being pushed past their limits, and more families keeping their elders’ home, there are not enough bodies to go around. What can be done?

Well, more people can become traveling nurses in the home care field. With more people coming home and elders staying home. Many of these individuals are staying home, even when they are sick or having trouble with moving and daily activities. When a home care nurse is added to the picture, there is more of a safety standard. A home care nurse can ensure the safety and health of the patient and their care. There is no need for any elders to go through this alone.

Safety Across the Board

Home care nurses need to keep their elders safe from the pandemic. So, be sure that you are not going to work sick. If you are ill and work for an agency that gives you a home care assignment, call them right away. They will find coverage for you. Call the family to make sure they understand that you won’t be there, but not to worry that another knowledgeable provider will be there.

Be sure to wear your mask always around the elder and their family members, and if it is a possibility, have the elder and family wear theirs as well. Clean, clean, clean. Clean every surface touched, be sure to wash your hands before handling food, and keep as much distance between yourself and the elder as much as possible. This is much harder than said. A lot of elders need help when moving, bathing, dressing, etc. It is super important to make sure that you are 100% healthy every day you visit your client.

Be Sure to Care for Yourself Too

You matter just as much as your client. If you are not healthy, they will be without the person they have built a bond with and must start all over. That can be very stressful for an elder. It takes a lot of them to open their mind to the idea of having someone in their life and home caring for them that isn’t family. You want to be sure not to cause that stress.

Also, remember to keep yourself healthy. Drink high in vitamin drinks, take supplements, etc. All these things can help boost your immune system and keep you healthy, so you can continue to do your job. Also, talk to your elder’s family about the dangers of not social distancing. That they are not putting the elder at risk, but you and your family at risk.


As home health care becomes the new normal for elders to get round the clock care, we must remember that everyone still needs to be safe and stay healthy. With the latest rise, it only helps all the different facilities out with the number of patients versus beds, but it helps provide nurses with more experience and who want to work within the home. TLC Home Care can use your help with the number of clients they have that need great care. Be sure to reach out to them.